The Situation
The Royal Hall of Industries (RHI) is a majestic venue with it’s striking vaulted ceiling and magnificent cathedral windows. It is beautifully restored and proudly reminiscent of past glory.
Today it hosts many of Sydney’s most prestigious events with an exhibition floor space of 5,400 m2 and holding up to 4000 people.
But as with most buildings from a previous era it was not built with air conditioning in mind. So every year, just before the event season kicks off, the Active Air Rentals Team move into action installing temporary air conditioning that is both effective and sympathetic to the building’s age.
The Solution
Air conditioning such a magnificent structure and so many people requires some serious equipment. Specifically, at the RHI we use:
- 2 x 750kW chillers
- 4 x 300kW air handlers
- Relatively short duct runs which connect to the permanent ducting inside
The air conditioning units use house power, which is distributed using approximately 2km of cabling, multiple cable covers and 400amp road case splitter
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