The Situation
The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA) needed a 750kW air cooled fluid chiller to supplement existing air conditioning systems through the peak summer period.
Active Air got the call thanks to a successful project for the same need in the summer of 2011/2012.
What Happened
Active Air worked closely with the RPA engineering team to ensure all needs were met. Tasks included OH&S, road closures and tight scheduling.
Site delivery was arranged for very early Monday to avoid the morning rush, especially around the delivery dock area.
Working closely with the hospital’s engineering team we ran the cable 150 meters from the main plant room and the water run was 43 meters each way from chiller to headers.
The Results
The equipment was set up and commissioned in just one day.
This project not only supplemented existing air conditioning systems but it also allowed the hospital engineers to do basic maintenance on the connection points prior to Active Air arriving on site.
With the installation and commissioning only taking a day, this assisted the hospital engineers to run tests prior to bringing the temporary fluid chiller online; a fine example of how the two teams worked together to achieve such a good result.
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