The Situation
When you’re Volkswagon, and you have an insanely exciting new car to launch, like the new Amarok, you want to do it in style, and you want to take two days out to show it off.
Our client, Imagination, partnered with Volkswagon to create the unique and fitting two-day launch party. Active Air Rentals have worked with Imagination on many of their events, so its no surprise they approached us to be part of the five-star experience they had planned.
The Challenge
Imagination wanted us to look after the temporary power for the event, as well as climate control, but not without its unique challenges; we love those.
The event was to take place in the gorgeous Pialligo Winery, Ca nberra, inside a glass marquee. The glass structure was 15Metres x 25 Meters, constructed in 1Metre wide panels. The inside of the marquee was to be draped in black, resulting in a spectacular launch atmosphere and experience for the 400 guests.
The unique marquee posed challenges for climate control. A glass panel was removed from the structure to allow climate control access, meaning Active Air Rentals would need to come up with a solution that worked with the minimal access available; the usual method of ducting through a tent marquee would not be suitable here.
The Solution
The team installed an air cooled chiller that sat outside the marquee and fed chilled water via 30 mm hoses through to 4 x 30 kW air handlers positioned inside the marquee, providing 120 kW of cooling capacity.
One generator powered the climate control, and a second generator looked after the temporary power and distribution required for the event.
Guests were treated to two days of entertainment including performances by Jimmy Barnes. And, much to our client’s delight, a constant cool 21-degree temperature was maintained inside the marquee despite temperatures reaching the mid-thirties outside.
“The finished look was exactly as per the Brochure that was pitched to the client, and then some (actually, a lot more).… Air-con and Power, couldn’t / wouldn’t have done it without you, Rigging was exactly right. What can I say, Awesome ……”
Herb Van Daalen
Technical Director, Imagination
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