During the devastating 2022 South East Queensland floods, entire communities were submerged, and all shopping centres and supermarkets were wiped out. The floodwaters left people without access to essential supplies, adding to the already overwhelming challenges they faced.
In this time of crisis, Active Air was called upon to help. The mission was to provide temporary air conditioning to a pop-up Coles supermarket, set up to serve the flood-affected people. This supermarket became a beacon of hope, offering a semblance of normality where people could buy essentials and food.
Active Air’s team quickly mobilized, bringing in a 70kW package unit. They skillfully dispersed the air throughout the marquee using poly duct runs, ensuring a comfortable environment for shoppers. Despite the difficult conditions, the team worked tirelessly to set up the system, knowing the impact it would have on the community.
For Active Air, it was more than just a job. It was an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Providing the temporary AC to the pop-up supermarket allowed the flood-affected people to regain a sense of normalcy and dignity during a challenging time. It was a pleasure and an honor for Active Air to be involved in such a meaningful project.