In the heart of Victoria, Australia, the thrilling competition series “Hunted” was set to captivate audiences in 2024. The show featured nine daring teams of two, each pair transforming into fugitives on the run from a team of highly skilled hunters. For 21 intense days, these fugitives would use their wits and resourcefulness to evade capture, navigating a landscape under the watchful eyes of replicated state powers like ANPR and CCTV.
Behind the scenes, the hunters’ investigation office buzzed with activity. This high-tech hub, filled with numerous people, TV screens, and computers, was the nerve center of the operation. However, the heat generated by all this equipment posed a significant challenge. Enter Active Air, the unsung hero tasked with providing a cooling solution that would ensure the hunters could operate at peak efficiency.
Active Air rose to the occasion, delivering a state-of-the-art cooling system that not only met the functional needs but also blended seamlessly with the office’s aesthetics. They installed a powerful 96kW packaged unit, preconditioned by an 18kW package unit, to maintain optimal temperatures in the bustling space. The result was a perfectly cooled environment where the hunters could focus on their mission without distraction.
As the fugitives raced against time and the hunters closed in, the success of Active Air’s cooling solution played a crucial role in the unfolding drama. The project was a triumph, ensuring that the hunters’ headquarters remained a cool, efficient command center throughout the gripping 21-day chase.