In 2023 in the remote town of Yarralin in the Northern Territory, a devastating flood swept through, leaving the indigenous community’s settlement completely destroyed. The government swiftly responded, enlisting the help of Active Air to provide essential air conditioning and power distribution for a temporary settlement.
Active Air mobilized truckloads of equipment and dispatched a team of skilled technicians to the Northern Territory. The journey was long and challenging, as Yarralin’s remote location meant that resources and support were far from readily available. Despite these obstacles, the team remained determined to deliver, install, and commission the necessary equipment.
Upon arrival, the technicians faced the harsh realities of working in such a distant and isolated area. Yet, their dedication and expertise shone through as they meticulously set up the temporary infrastructure. The community watched with hope as their new settlement began to take shape, providing much-needed relief and comfort.
The project was a resounding success. Active Air not only met the immediate needs of the Yarralin community but also demonstrated their commitment to aiding those in crisis. The company took immense pride in their work, knowing they had played a crucial role in helping the indigenous community rebuild and recover from the disaster.